The Quiet Gaze of Bison

The quiet gaze of bison,
mouths moving
over fescue
and milkweed,
sway of wind on throat latch
and bull’s beard.
Dark, ancient ghosts
shifting over the land.

On this bleached prairie
beyond the salt flats
of Sullivan Lake
the small light
of a torch
on a cave wall
at Lascaux
still gleams in their eyes.

~ Rosemary Griebel

Rosemary Griebel’s poems have been published in a variety of media including literary magazines, CBC Radio, on buses, anthologies and in a chapbook edited by Patrick Lane. She attributes her appreciation of light, space and language to growing up on the Canadian prairie.

One Response to “The Quiet Gaze of Bison”

  1. Nice snapshot imagery, thought provoking.

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