What will I say of this time?

I will say
though I was bent
near to breaking
I learned my spine
is like the blades of wheat
when rains come and come
and the plaited grains swell
with heaviness
and the thin stalks
can no longer hold aloft
their heads
and they surrender
bow low to the ground

old guido would say
the crops have lain down

the threshers come
still, there is a harvest
there is bread rising
beneath a cloth
still, there is seed
for the spring

~ Kerry Mulholland

Kerry Mulholland is a writer rooted in Alberta’s soil, with loyalties divided between prairie, desert, city and sea. She has performed her poetry for audiences in teahouses, bookstores, jazz bars and under a tent in the rain at a music festival. Her work has been published in anthologies and periodicals and recorded on CDs. She was the winner of the Edmonton Journal’s 2006 poetry contest, and winner of the Alberta 2007 CBC Radio Poetry Face-Off. Trained as a journalist, Kerry has worked as a writer for the provincial government, as a reporter for a small town newspaper, as a coordinator of women’s writing workshops in Canada and New Mexico, as a bookbinder, as a typesetter, and as a program coordinator for the Writers Guild of Alberta. Always, words are near.

One Response to “What will I say of this time?”

  1. In my mind, this is the finest poem to have appeared on this site to date. Thank you so very much.

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