so dark

you barely see it.
hook beak. itself
cooled magma.
patient as
a watchtower,
in silhouette.
its eyes. translated
with knucklebones
the blazing sun.

~ Patrick M. Pilarski

Patrick M. Pilarski is the co-editor of DailyHaiku, an international journal of contemporary English-language haiku. His first full collection, Huge Blue, will be released in Sept. 2009 by Leaf Press, and he is the author of one chapbook, Five Weeks. Patrick’s work has appeared and is forthcoming in journals and anthologies across North America, Europe, Australia, and Japan, recently including PRISM international, The Antigonish Review, the Literary Review of Canada, Carousel, and The New Quarterly. He lives in Edmonton, Canada, with his partner, poet Nicole Pakan.

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