When did reason fly
from my mouth
in a clap of bees, snatching
pollen from her honeyed voice?
The sweetness of each word
drips on my forehead.
No rational rationale
explains why
the crook of her smile steals
the currency of my sleep, leaving me
tired and overdrawn.
Oh fool! Rich in dreams
and poor in reason,
will you bet all
on a 12 to 1 to show?
You’ll never catch
the setting sun.
You were never meant to.
I’ll rake up my reason
from the backyard,
lock it in a hat box.
At the back of the closet
I’ll tuck that old box
behind old suits and skeletons
until lost memory
brings back a smile.
~ Rob K. Omura
Robert K. Omura was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta where he practices law. He returns to his love of writing after a 15 year hiatus. In his free time he is active in education, law reform, the environment and the outdoors. His work appears or is forthcoming in Barnstorm, Poems Niederngasse, The Rose and Thorn, and edifice WRECKED.
Congratulations on returning to writing.
I enjoyed reading ‘Reason’.
“Rational rationale” — a clever and pleasing alliteration. The poet’s lament of reason lost is eloquent and so human.
Congrats Rob, so happy to see you published!