3 haiku
weeping birch branches
flounce in an august squall –
I miss the yield sign
blue light through the trees –
distant campfire beckoning?
no, big screen TV
boundless blue sky –
empty manuscript staves
of black power lines
~ Richard Stevenson
Richard Stevenson teaches English and Creative Writing at Lethbridge College. Recent books include Parrot With Tourette’s (Black Moss, Palm Poets Series, 2006), Bye Bye Blackbird (Ekstasis Editions, 2007) (both poetry titles), and Riding on a Magpie Riff (memoir, Settlements series, Black Moss Press, 2006). Two more haiku, senryu, zappai, and tanka books are forthcoming from Spotted Cow Press in Edmonton and Ekstasis Editions in Victoria.
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