Intimacy and Electric Air

the air is filled
with love and anger
and neither one of you
are talking
and neither one of you
are smiling
and the anger may linger
until the morning
but you still climb into the same bed,

and you’re in faded and stained
boxer shorts and she’s wearing
an old t-shirt and thong underwear
and you lie next to each other
and you can feel the anger
between you like so much
static electricity and
the room is so very silent
save the whirring of the
ceiling fan over the bed
that you installed with
so much cursing and sweating
and the anger doesn’t keep
either one of you from falling

into some contented
and comfortable and familiar sleep.

~ David LaBounty

David LaBounty lives in Royal Oak, Michigan with his wife and two young sons. His poetry has recently appeared in Word Riot, Dogmatika, Pemmican, The Wild Goose Poetry Review, Thieves Jargon, Zygote in my Coffee, The Bergen Street Review and other journals. He is writer-in-residence for Megan’s Closet, a literary workshop site with a forthcoming print journal. His novel, The Trinity, has just been released and is available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble. More info at his very boring blog,

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