7 arguments for staying
Stay, for back home
the open mouth
and open arms
are wounds and ever
wind round the spool;
Stay, more is your adventure
here, flowers yet
will bloom, that fist pump,
first jump of possibility
peaking through, like morning
fog that feathers itself
across the horizon
and you, with boots on
hiking through, stay.
~ Sean Wiebe
Sean Wiebe is an assistant professor of language and literacy at the university of Prince Edward Island. His papers and poetry appear in a variety of journals and book chapters in the areas of the arts, teacher education and curriculum studies. Recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Journal of Educational Thought, Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, Standards, JAAACS, The Windsor Review, Poetry Friends, Apt, Inscribed, Blue Skies Poetry, and Arabesques.
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