Celebrate National Poetry Month

Happy Poetry Month! April is National Poetry Month in Canada, a time when new poems take root and sprout, regardless of the weather outside. This year’s theme “Climate Change” challenges poets to explore how climate change affects you on both a personal and global level.

Three ways to celebrate National Poetry Month:

1. Write a poem. Or a dozen. Or maybe even one every single day this month. Share what you have written with someone you know. You can send it to me, and I will consider it for publication on blue skies poetry (please check out the submission guidelines here).

2. Attend a poetry reading. I’m sure you won’t have to look far to find one this month. But if you are stuck, and live in Alberta, you might try A Sunday of Poetry at Grande Prairie Public Library, the Calgary International Spoken Word Festival or the Edmonton Poetry Festival.

3. Read some poetry. Don’t know where to start? Look through the archives here at blue skies poetry, read poems on the National Poetry Month blog, or check some books by members of the League of Canadian Poets from your local library.

Angela Kublik
Editor, blueskiespoetry.ca

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