Thought of Geese
No hour can be well formed
in the pond ripples, just
sunshadow sparkles, and a place of small thought
for the water birds. For them, grant
an axiom of pond ripples only (even as I write this).
Think (and grant it may be called that)
time as walking on rock outcroppings,
no one having the same shape, but all still
sharp, and hard. Grant that
in magic Chronos, in spaces imagined
in forever-deep blue orange sky,
there is A Task: float,
and dip from the bright air to the water,
and throw a black neck to the old sun, halo shimmer splashing, and croak,
and in that, life.
~ John Nyman
John Nyman is a Creative Writing undergraduate student at York University. He has had short fiction published in the Steel Bananas anthology GULCH: An Assemblage of Poetry and Prose and the Clark-Nova Books anthology Writing Without Direction, and has had his poetry featured in The Antigonish Review‘s Poet Grow-Op. John is the Senior Fiction Editor of Existere, York University’s journal of arts and literature, and the Arts Editor of Excalibur, York University’s community newspaper.
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