Okanagan summer
My bare feet in the hot sand
unrelenting sun in cloudless sky
soft breezes blowing more heat across my face
desert’s edge spotted with tall lonely jackpines
grey dunes of sand shaped by the constant wind
in a wide open space a tiny pink sandrose glories
the bleak landscape defying heat drought and wind
its short straight stalk holds a perfect face to the sun
I bend to look closer and my body casts a shadow over her
I thought I had found what I was looking for.
~ Katy McCuish
Katy McCuish lives in Nanaimo, B.C. where she loves walking on the waterfront, the view from her 24th floor condo, cosmology workshops, yoga workshops, family and friends.
Okanagan summer — a careful, precise, suggestive meditation, linking west to east with the desert’s edge of our southern interior and the iconic jackpines of Tom Thomson.