Fish and stone

The light drifts quiet
on the last days of Summer . . .
I could picture our conversation,
the history of rain
of the unsuspecting
and the mixed voices
sweet static,
the tangled, unaccompanied . . .
fish and stone.

~ Rebecca Anne Banks

Rebecca Anne Banks (Poet, Songwriter, Singer, Musician, Artist) began her artist’s life as a Poet, eventually picking up a 12-string C.F. Martin, giving voice and music to the passion of her poetry in song. Her songs are original acoustic Renaissance Folk and Folk/Rock Lullabies. She is an associate member of the Canadian League of Poets, has had poems published in The Northern Woman Journal, self-published 11 chapbooks of poetry @ and has produced 3 CD’s: Dance Summer Blue, The Madrigal and Rebecca Anne Banks: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue . . . On a quiet afternoon she can be found playing concerts amongst the blue and warm of the velvet underground stonework that is the Montreal Metro . . .

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