A note from Bob


I’m Bob Stallworthy. Congratulations to Angela Kublik for the great work she and her team are managing for the the new library in Fort Saskatchewan. May her steady hand that helped to guide House of Blue Skies and this blog, blueskiespoetry.ca, also help to see her new project through to successful completion.

I’m pleased and flattered to have been approached by Dymphny Dronyk and Angela to work with Dymphny as co-editor for blueskiespoetry.ca while Angela is off working on the library project. I look forward to seeing the submissions that we hope we will continue to receive by this blog.

Just a little bit about me. I’ve been writing for 26 years and have five books, four of which are books of poetry, published. I’ve published on blueskiespoetry.ca twice and I’ve published in magazines across Canada. I’m a Lifetime member of the Writers Guild of Alberta and a member of The Writers’ Union of Canada.

I look forward to working with Dymphny in choosing the new poems to publish on the blog.

Bob Stallworthy

One Response to “A note from Bob”

  1. Bob,
    Fellow Frontenac House quartet-er 2009,
    I am thrilled that you are working s co-editor for this wonderful publishing house.

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