
Here what I believe in is come
and go; the morning push of tide
across a wide mud-flat, and at evening
the pull. Sandpipers are congregating
because it is August. Because doctors
read shadows into the white of your
bones, I have come. The grace of the
blue heron in marsh grass is full.
Singular and slow, watching,
watchful. I search your face,
we breathe. What does a heron
fear? When I approach he lifts
into the air. Words come; little
tendrils. Words go; we let them.
Tomorrow I must return home
and leave you by your shore.

~ Juleta Severson-Baker

Juleta lives in her hometown of Calgary where she writes, teaches poetry and performance at the Mount Royal University Conservatory, works as a birth doula, and raises her two children. Her poetry has been previously published in All That Uneasy Spring(a Leaf Press chapbook, ed. Patrick Lane), the journals NoD and Freefall, and online at Verse Daily. In 2010 she won Freefall magazine’s 20th Anniversary Chapbook Contest with her collection A Hundred Pelts. Her first full-length manuscript, Incarnate, is being published by Frontenac House Press in Fall 2013.

If you wish to read more of Juleta Severson-Baker’s poetry click here

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