
blue skies poetry provides a forum for emerging and established poets to find a wider audience for their work, with a particular emphasis on writing by Canadians.

Submission guidelines:

Email up to 3 poems (maximum 50 lines each) in the body of an email message to the Editors at editor@blueskiespoetry.ca. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but previously published material is not considered. Please include a short bio (50-75 words) with your submission.

In order to publish your poetry one time on blueskiespoetry.ca we require First North American Serial Rights. Upon publication, the Rights are returned to the poet. We request the Right to maintain all poems published indefinitely (without payment to the poet) in the blueskiespoetry.ca archives.


dymphny dronyk cls upDymphny Dronyk is a writer, editor, mediator and mother. She is passionate about the magic of story and has woven words for money (journalism, corporate writing) and for love (poetry, fiction, drama, mystery novels) for over 30 years. Her first volume of poetry Contrary Infatuations (Frontenac House, Quartet 2007) was short listed for two prestigious awards in 2008. She is also the author of the memoir Bibi – A Life in Clay (Prairie Art Gallery, 2009). With Angela Kublik, she is the co-publisher of House of Blue Skies, and co-editor of the bestselling anthologies Writing the Land – Alberta Through its Poets (2008) and Home and Away – Alberta Poets Muse on the Meaning of Home (2010).

With Calgary’s inaugural Poet Laureate Kris Demeanor, she is the co-editor of The Calgary Project – A City Map in Verse and Visual, an anthology of poetry and visual art, which was co-published with Frontenac House Press.

Angela KublikAngela Kublik (founding editor) is an Edmonton based writer whose poetry has appeared in The Prairie Journal, Legacy, FreeFall, and Alberta Encore: People, Places, and Poetry from Legacy Magazine. Her haiku appeared at DailyHaiku as part of Cycle 3, and a haibun series, “An Unsuspecting Lump of Clay,” appeared as a special feature in 2010. With Dymphny Dronyk, she is also the co-founder/publisher of House of Blue Skies, and co-editor of the best-selling poetry anthologies Home and Away: Alberta’s Poets Muse on the Meaning of Home and Writing the Land: Alberta through its Poets.

Guest Editor (2012)

Bob StallworthyBob Stallworthy was a Social Worker for 12 years before beginning to write professionally 26 years ago. He spent the early years of his writing life volunteering for the Writers Guild of Alberta, among other things as the Book Display Co-ordinator and as a member of the WGA Executive, and the now defunct Calgary Writers Alliance as a member of the Executive. He established and ran the southern Alberta regional office of the Writers Guild of Alberta 1990 -1996. He has taught over 150 workshops in Alberta schools and libraries and was Writer-in-Residence for the Drumheller Public Library. Bob has five books, four of which are poetry, published. His work has appeared twice on blueskiespoetry.ca and in magazines across Canada. His book Optics, 2004, Frontenac House was short-listed for the W.O. Mitchell City of Calgary Book Prize in 2004 and the book Things that Matter Now was short-listed for both the W.O. Mitchell City of Calgary Book Prize and the Stephan G. Stephansson Alberta Book Award in 2009. Things that Matter Now will go into a second printing in 2012. He is a Lifetime member of the Writers Guild of Alberta, a member of the Writers’ Union of Canada and a member of the Young Alberta Book Society.


Copyright Notice: Please respect the fact that all material posted on blueskiespoetry.ca is done so with the permission of the poet; it is made available here without charge for personal use only, and it may not be stored, displayed, published, reproduced, or used for any other purpose without the author’s permission.