In Our Sights

life urban sprawls lawns of chain-dog days and barbecue nights a mini-series ago last-call ungulate and hawk stalked these driven cul-de-sacs homes on the range stripped and malled now, Alberta’s natural history a book scant shelves below Myth and Lore above hearths and fake fireplaces there may as well be the trophy hunter’s gun mounted […]


absence and fonder hearts spark campground fires, homes away from home house-sat by anonymous bugs tittering citronella flame and drip token guitars sing through broken strings of the ones that got away, simpler times, and the blue skies beyond the starry black we conduct in mud-cake jean and boot annealing below marshmallow batons beers and […]

Home Above The Opal Hills, Jasper

wind and traffic battle ‘til wind wins, traffic noise parked mountains below, irrelevant roads reduced to binocular vision, tunnelled the gods up here haven’t been touched for days up here the wind is not gentle—plant feet carefully and earn the right to king and queen this castle this domain; hold fast and hug these rocks […]


space is the great listener, one great pause to reflect i shout into voids waiting for word boomerang echo’s take and give up there somewhere is the one perfect conversation everything said just right pithy, and articulate no space for lament— the miles my words have traveled beheld between blinks of your eyes ~ Ben […]

Sharing the Stage

it’s a man’s world of unzip dangle and no-contact elevator eyes, of drain and scowl and maybe rinse, roll-up towels and sleeves germ runways ready for take-off in this world my wayward peripheral quick double-takes a man post-business tucking-in and buckling up; sinkward-bound this man is none other than a Nobel Laureate for Literature, this […]