OUR CATEGORY : Dale Lee Kwong

On the Benches at Sien Lok Park

A poem found in the inscriptions Donated for your enjoymentIn honour of our pioneering forefathersIn Loving Memory of our beloved Father and GrandfatherMay we follow in his steps. Artist and PhilosopherThe Candy Apple Man1st Generation CanadiansNative CalgariansProud Calgarians. Ever RememberedWith love and gratitude for Immigration from China to CanadaWell done, thou good and faithful servantWho […]

L-Berta Rainbow

A Poem Celebrating Bill C-38, the Alberta Centennial and the Floods of June 2005 the Bow bursts its banks every century or so – sirens herald rebellion river debris flows faster than fire trucks One in two marriages ends in divorceand… if you’re a lesbianliving in Ralph Klein’s Albertait don’t matteryou’re just damned to hell. […]