OUR CATEGORY : Dymphny Dronyk

12 Avenue SE – June 22 2013

~ Rob Meurin Good Neighbours and the Flood – by Dymphny Dronyk I live at the foot of Nose Hill, so when flooding hits our city, our house stays dry. During the epic flood of 2013 our home was not directly affected by water – but as with most people in southern Alberta that year […]

What Beer Can Do

Shine my buckle, baby, he yells in my ear, pulls me tight against him, and two-steps me around backwards, sloooooooow, sloooooooooow, quick-quick one body with too many feet we stumble, no gliding here in the Big Tent of Nashville North, just tired river silt and dirty tarmac that trips our best intentions, the bitter stain […]

Chinook Arch

duress warps perspective, at first I hate this place, surround myself with other haters, all here not so much by choice as by circumstance, the Job, the head office that demands my suited presence, hair twisted into a knot, feral thoughts buttoned. I don’t understand the dirty, bipolar winter, the endless mad drone of the […]

Taking Spring’s Pulse (excerpts from A Haiku Year)

12/03/06 blue vase droops red tulips – they too are tired of winter dragging on *** 20/03/06 Buddha buried to his clay nipples in snow drifts vernal equinox *** 28/03/06 rushing stream of melt-water at sidewalk’s edge perfect for stick races *** 18/04/06 red tailed hawks scour the ditches, worn gaunt by spring migration *** […]

A note from Dymphny

[photopress:dymphny_dronyk.jpg,thumb,alignleft]Last summer when Angela and I had to suspend some of our dreams and ambitions for House of Blue Skies, our publishing venture, and blueskiespoetry.ca it broke my heart just a little, I must confess. Not having mastered the ability to clone ourselves, it was the necessary choice in lives choked with other priorities… but […]