White dust slipping through dry fingers he watches the sky ~ Emma Hooper “I’m an native-Albertan who moved to the UK four years ago to teach creative writing at Bath Spa university and play lots of viola for lots of fine British bands. I find the tension of ‘old home’ (Alberta) versus ‘new home’ (the […]
Filed under: Emma Hooper, Home & Away by akublik Date 3 December, 2009
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Faded plaid, wrapped thin to the elbows only, undershirt showing probably on purpose. He’s dancing like driving a tractor a school bus. The slight bend of his knees every one and three. One and Three. Hands behind his back palms up together ready for harvest for snow. ~ Emma Hooper “I’m an native-Albertan who moved […]
Filed under: Emma Hooper, Home & Away by akublik Date 3 December, 2009
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