OUR CATEGORY : Joanne Underwood

Word Play – A Glosa

“The boy stood on the burning deck Whence all but he had fled The flame that lit the battle’s wreck Shone round him o’er the dead.” (from Casabianca by Mrs. Felicia Dorothea Hemans) My earliest poetic influence       my father used to recite limericks tell risqué jokes much to my mother’s dismay she […]

my name is jo

my father used to say though it wasn’t original a change is as good as a restwhich was supposed to explain why we never went on holidaysforever changing resting i guess though it didn’t seem so at the timeespecially to my mother who got cold chills seeing a moving van whether it was coming for […]

Christmas Stalkings

last year I drove to IKEA and bought a Christmas treespending all of 3 minutes sizing up flattened specimenswondering briefly just what it was I was searching for years past up in Cold Lake my brother and I ran outin winter darkness dragged home a splendid sprucefrom the middle of a nearby field close by […]

home and away

when you’ve moved as often as I haveyou carry home around with youin your head your home has pink hollyhocks at the back door like those at your grandmother’s house and you answer a knock at that screened door in a floured flowered apron offer fresh cream with summer blueberries or winter warmth from another […]

Homeland Security

I notice the sky first where does land end sky begin? I’ve come from Singapore jungle city rain trees and shortened views look up and all you see are branches look down and find hibiscusbougainvillea lush greenery rust red soil but I’ve come home home to Albertateen years in Cold Lake with that bigbig sky […]