OUR CATEGORY : Samantha Jones

Buildings (Ghosts of)

1. Telephone Gothic Brick on black vertical fine lines fold unexpectedly short into unconformable skies. Carrying unimagined kin. Hallways are for hauntings. Hypothesized innards pipe angled ideas via Morse pencil taps / drafting coffee break morale with stunted scraper dreams. 2. For the Grain Exchange Dozing corridors tucked in by locked doors and sizzling halogens […]


With open arms you address the knick-knacks from a wooden pedestal, completely ignored by the large and even the small appliances. Your onyx insect eyes don’t dilute your message, or your ESP. Extraterrestrial reflective gaze distracts from your veiny silver frame and the negative space infiltrating your exoskeleton chinks. A tunic hidden behind scribble beard […]